If you were unable to attend classes due to a serious accident or illness, and this prevented you from notifying the University of your withdrawal in a timely manner, a Withdrawal Date Appeal Form can be submitted for consideration by an Appeals Committee.

Appeals are submitted AFTER completing the official withdrawal process with the ’Cane Success Center and must include supporting documentation as to what prevented a timely notification. 

Appeals must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar within 30 calendar days of the official withdrawal date established with the ’Cane Success Center. If the appeal is being submitted for a semester that has already completed, it must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the last day of the end of the semester in question.

Withdrawal Date Appeal Form

Appeal Process

1. First, initiate an official withdrawal request for the semester in question, through the ‘Cane Success Center, by following the withdrawal process outlined at miami.edu/withdrawal.

2. Complete the Undergraduate Withdrawal Date Appeal Form.

3. Attach a personal statement that includes an explanation of the circumstances that prevented you from withdrawing in a timely manner.

  • Appeals should be written by the student and fully explain the student’s experience.
  • Timeline of events leading up to the withdrawal or discontinuation of classes.​
  • IF the student is incapable of submitting an appeal on their own behalf, please contact the Office of the University Registrar for further assistance at 305-284-2294.

4. Include support documentation to corroborate the circumstances referenced in your narrative.

  • Any testimony related to the events surrounding your appeal should be from people directly involved in the event and/or subsequent recovery (do not include support letters from family or friends).
  • All documentation, medical or other relevant documentation, must be provided at the time of the appeal (do not include insurance bills).
  • Medical or mental health documentation – Healthcare provider must complete and submit the Medical Certification Form to Enid Miguez at exm722@miami.edu.

Appeal Guidelines

1. The Appeal Form must be submitted within 30 calendar days from the date of withdrawal from the University. If the appeal is being submitted for a prior semester, it must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the last day of the end of the semester in question.

2. Only one term may be appealed for a particular incident.
